Sickle Cell Disease is a genetically inherited blood disorder prevalent among people of African, Caribbean, Central/South American, East Indian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Asian and Southeast Asian ancestry.
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There are more than 400 unusual hemoglobin genes associated with sickle cell disease and other hemoglobin variants
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MAYO CLINIC: Sickle cell anemia is an inherited form of anemia — a condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body
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WebMD: Combating Sickle Cell Video

WebMD: Sickle Cell Research Video

SCTPN Facebook Group SCTPN on My9News
Media Gallery

My 9 News coverage of Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network's 10K Walk-for-Education 2008 | 09.15.08

Donnette Caroll advocates to reopen the Montefiore Sickle Cell Center in the Bronx | 03.30.09

MSNBC—Sickle Cell Survivor: Cure is 'Dream come true' | 12.09.09

Evolution: Library: A Mutation Story (QuickTime Player) (Real Player) **PBS.org

Effects of Sickle Cell Disease Go to Link **About.com

Sickle Cell Trait Awareness Video Go To Link **StJudes.org

The Battle Against Sickle Cell Disease Go To Link (RealPlayer Required) **HTexas.com

SCTPN, a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization, provides education, advocacy, referral services, and support for individuals
and families living with sickle cell disease (SCD), thalassemia (Cooley’s Anemia), and other inherited blood disorders.